Daily News update on – Science

February 9, 2024

CBS News

Private-sector astronauts return to Earth after extended space station visit

Approaching the landing zone east of Daytona Beach, two small drogue chutes deployed to stabilize the spacecraft, followed by the ship’s four main parachutes, which lowered the Crew Dragon to a gentle splashdown at 8:30 a.m. Mission duration was 21 days …

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How Earth’s new Rubin Observatory will usher in the next era of asteroid space missions

“Nothing will come close to the depth of Rubin’s survey and the level of characterization we will get for solar system objects.” Comments (0). An illustration of the asteroid belt as a dense donut-shaped ring of yellow points.

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Crucial ocean current system could be on course to collapse with catastrophic impacts on global weather

Waves in the North Atlantic Ocean near Gatklettur, Iceland, March 2020. Daniele Orsi/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group/Getty Images. CNN …

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The New York Times

It Started as Winter Break. It Ended With a Doomed Moon Mission.

Carnegie Mellon University students built Iris, a tiny lunar rover. When the spacecraft carrying it to the moon malfunctioned, they turned their vacation house into mission control.

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Hubble Space Telescope tells a starry ‘tail’ of 12 mingling galaxies

Massive star clusters brimming with giant, luminous blue stars are forming in the unraveled wreckage of interacting galaxies. blurry sparkles of white and yellow cluster to form a blurry galaxy. An example of one of the galaxies with a tidal tail …

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Scientific American

JWST’s Puzzling Early Galaxies Don’t Break Cosmology—But They Do Bend Astrophysics

An illustration of a magnetic field generated by a supermassive black hole in the early universe. Bursts of star formation sparked by supermassive black holes interacting with giant gas clouds could help explain a mysterious and unexpected …

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See SpaceX’s breathtaking launch of NASA’s PACE satellite (photos)

The SpaceX launch of NASA’s newest Earth observation satellite put on a stunning show for photographers. NASA’s PACE mission (short for Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) lifted off atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at …

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Simulations provide potential explanation for mysterious gap in size distribution of super-Earths

Ordinarily, planets in evolved planetary systems, such as the solar system, follow stable orbits around their central star. However, many indications suggest that some planets might depart from their birthplaces during their early evolution by …

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Scientific American

How April’s Eclipse Will Solve Solar Mysteries

Clara Moskowitz: For Scientific American’s Cosmos, Quickly, I’m Clara Moskowitz. On April 8, we’re in for a treat. A total solar eclipse will be visible across a broad swath of North America, giving us a view of the edges of the sun as the moon passes …

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Scientific American

Planets Orbiting Dead Stars Foretell the Solar System’s Far-Future Fate

Images of possible planets around white dwarf stars suggest that some gas-giant worlds survive the deaths of their stellar host. By Phil Plait. A white dwarf star exhibits a constant stream of transits by debris and or dust in. Credit:.

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