Daily News update on – Science

February 7, 2024


Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon Mimas may have an ocean scientists never believed could exist

“The major finding is to discover habitability conditions on a solar system object which we would never, never expect to have liquid water. It’s really astonishing.” Comments (1). An illustration shows Saturn’s moon Mimas with the gas giant and …

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A hidden ocean is beneath the surface of Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon, new evidence suggests

An artist’s illustration depicts Mimas in orbit around Saturn. The small moon resembles the Death Star from “Star Wars” films, thanks to a massive crater. Frédéric Durillon/Animea Studio/Observatoire …

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Upcoming solar maximum may help solve the sun’s gamma-ray puzzle

“Maybe there are additional mechanisms generating gamma rays that go beyond the interaction of cosmic rays with the surface of the sun.” Comments (0). The sun seen in different gamma ray intensities betweeb 2013 and 2015 (Image credit: Arsioli and …

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‘Moths to a flame’: Insect behavior around light isn’t about attraction, scientists say

Moths don’t know which way is up when around artificial light sources, a new study found. An automeris moth is shown. Sam Fabian.

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How scientists are using artificial intelligence to predict wildfires

Since 2021, the LightningCast AI model has proven a successful tool in aiding scientists who forecast wildland fire incidents.

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Big, dead European satellite will crash back to Earth this month

The incoming spacecraft is the European Space Agency’s (ESA) European Remote Sensing 2 (ERS-2) satellite, which launched to Earth orbit in April 1995 and wrapped up its Earth-observing duties in September 2011.

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CBS News

Ax-3 commercial crew undocks from space station, heads for Friday splashdown

Strapped into a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, commander Michael López-Alegría, Italian co-pilot Walter Villadei, Swedish flier Marcus Wandt and Turkey’s Alper Gezeravci undocked from the station’s forward port at 9:20 a.m. EST and then monitored a series of …

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What’s the forecast for Neptune-like exoplanets: Cloudy or clear?

“We want to comprehend the behaviors of these planets, given that those slightly larger than Earth and smaller than Neptune are the most common in the galaxy.” Comments (0). Illustration shows an exoplanet around its star. An Illustration shows an …

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Surprise! Baby exoplanets might look like Smarties candies rather than spheres

‘We had always assumed that they were spherical. We were very surprised that they turned out to be oblate spheroids, pretty similar to Smarties!’ Comments (0). An illustartion shows an oblate spheroid planet in a disc of gas around a young star.

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Lunar astronauts could potentially make hummus with moon-grown chickpeas

An interesting development in the field of space cuisine, scientists managed to grow chickpeas in engineered moondust. Comments (0). a purple hued light tints everything pink. the fingers from a hand are seen close. First chickpea seeds in amended …

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