Daily News update on – Science

June 11, 2024


‘Supernova discovery machine’ James Webb Space Telescope finds most distant star explosion on record

The powerful space telescope uncovered 80 early and distant star explosions in a patch of sky the size of a grain of rice. Comments (0). Red and yellow dots against a black ground with some circled with blue rings. JADES Deep Field uses observations …

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SpaceX’s Inspiration4 astronauts got genetically younger in space: study

The four crew members of Inspiration4, the first ever all-civilian space mission, got genetically younger during their stay in space, a study has found. But the effects didn’t last long. Scientists are now trying to unravel how the space environment …

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‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ explosion will bring a new star to the night sky

A red giant star and white dwarf orbit each other in NASA’s illustration of a nova. NASA/Conceptual Image Lab/Goddard Space Flight Center. Sign up for …

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Solar storm douses Mars in radiation as auroras flicker in the Red Planet sky (video)

The radiation dose on the surface of mars jumped up to the equivalent of receiving 30 chest X-rays all in one go. Comments (0). a grainy black-and-white image of a distant hill. The specks in the sequence of images in this video were caused by charged …

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Astronauts test SpaceX Starship hardware and spacesuits for Artemis 3 moon mission (photos)

The test “confirmed that the amount of space available in the airlock, on the deck, and in the elevator, are sufficient for the work our astronauts plan to do.” Comments (4). astronauts in white spacesuits stand inside a white airlock.

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James Webb Space Telescope spots asteroid collision in neighboring star system

“What we could be seeing here is basically how rocky planets and other bodies are forming in real time.” Comments (0). Concentric circles of orange and brown with a glowing yellow sphere it their center. (Main) an illustration of the star system Beta …

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An interstellar cloud may have caused an ice age on Earth. Here’s how

Scientists believe Earth may have briefly lost protection from the sun around two million years ago, left to endure the extreme environment of interstellar space as the solar system passed through a dense cloud of gas and dust between stars.

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Water frost detected on Mars volcanoes in ‘unexpected’ first

A high-resolution (4.5 m/pixel) CaSSIS color image reveals frost on the caldera floor and northern rim of Olympus Mons, the tallest volcano not only on Mars but in the entire solar system. Frost is absent on the well-lit steep slopes.

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A missing link in the timeline of Earth’s chemistry may have been found

Using computational modeling, a team of scientists explored how working backwards from modern biochemistry could help map out how simple, non-living chemicals present on early Earth gave rise to complex molecules that led to the emergence of life as we …

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Chinese moon researchers gearing up for June 25 arrival of far side samples

Excitement is mounting for the first-ever return of samples from the far side of the moon. China’s ongoing Chang’e 6 mission is nearing its departure from lunar orbit, after which it will deliver a mother lode of moon materials to Earth.

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