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May 3, 2024


Citizen scientists find remarkable exoplanet, name it after Harry Potter character

“It’s remarkable in its orbit, it’s remarkable for being in the habitable zone and it’s remarkable for orbiting a bright star.” Comments (0). A blue orb under a glowing yellow circle againsy a black background. Illustration of the Neptune-like …

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Long ago, a lake on Mars might have been sprawling with microbes

Curiosity discovered manganese oxide in bedrock in a Martian region that may have been a shoreline billions of years ago. Comments (0). A dull yellow-tinted, rocky terrain blown with dust, as the sky in. A section of the Murray Formation that has been …

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Does a cosmic ‘glitch’ in gravity challenge Albert Einstein’s greatest theory?

There is no denying the awesome predictive power of Albert Einstein’s 1915 theory of gravity, general relativity — yet, the theory still has inconsistencies when it comes to calculating its effect on vast distances. And new research suggests these …

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Boeing Starliner spacecraft ‘go’ for 1st astronaut launch on May 6, NASA says

CAPE CANAVERAL, FLORIDA — The new Starliner spacecraft is “go” for its first-ever astronaut launch on Monday (May 6), Boeing and NASA officials announced today (May 3). Barring bad weather or any last-minute technical issues, Starliner was cleared to …

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China’s latest mission could reveal the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side’

When the Chang’e-4 mission landed in the Von Karman crater on January 3, 2019, China became the first and only country to land on the far side of the moon — the side that always faces away from Earth.

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2 colossal solar flares explode from the sun and Earth is in the firing line (video)

Newly emerged sunspot region AR3663 is already making a name for itself, firing off not one but two powerful solar flares within just six hours of each other. The first eruption occurred last night (May 2) when the sun released the most powerful …

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China launches Chang’e 6 sample-return mission to moon’s far side (video)

A rover or lander mission to the far side faces communications challenges, requiring a lunar orbiter to relay messages to and from mission control here on Earth. China launched just such a relay satellite, called Queqiao, …

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Eta Aquarid meteor shower peak could spawn over 100 ‘shooting stars’ per hour this weekend

Astronomers predict that this year’s Eta Aquarids are “expected to show a noticeable outburst” thanks to meteoroids ejected from Halley’s comet about 2,500 years ago. Comments (0). a streak of green light zooms across the night sky above a lake.

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Boeing’s Starliner is ready to fly astronauts after years of delay. Here’s what took so long.

Instead of one uncrewed test mission to the ISS, Boeing needed two to meet its objectives. The pandemic and numerous technical issues further delayed the capsule’s first astronaut launch. But safety …

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China moon probe stands by for launch as space race with US heats up

China is preparing for its latest lunar mission at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan island. Luo Yunfei/China News Service/VCG/Getty Images. Editor’s …

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