Daily News update on – Science

March 7, 2024


Icy asteroids help the James Webb Space Telescope uncover Neptune’s history

This region exists beyond the orbit of Neptune, the eighth and furthest planet from the sun. Mors-Somnus can therefore be used as a proxy to study the dynamic history of Neptune as well as other icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt, also known as trans-Neptunian …

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How do some black holes get so big? The James Webb Space Telescope may have an answer

Usually, the most thrilling black-hole news surrounds the biggest, baddest and most violent voids we can imagine. I’m talking about the supermassive black holes boasting billions of times the mass of the sun; the ones called quasars that eat up …

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70 million-year-old dinosaur fossil discovered in France is an almost complete Titanosaur skeleton

A chance discovery made in southern France has revealed a rare specimen — an almost complete dinosaur skeleton found connected from its hind skull to its tail. The massive fossil came to light in May 2022, after …

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The New York Times

Voyager 1, First Craft in Interstellar Space, May Have Gone Dark

When Voyager 1 launched in 1977, scientists hoped it could do what it was built to do and take up-close images of Jupiter and Saturn. It did that — and much more. Voyager 1 discovered active volcanoes, moons and planetary rings, proving along the way …

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6 reasons why the 2024 total solar eclipse could be the best eclipse for hundreds of years

On April 8 this year, millions of people in northern Mexico, the U.S. and southeastern Canada will experience totality — darkness in the day and the chance to see the sun’s corona with the naked eye — yet few appreciate how rare and unique this event will …

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SpaceX to push the envelope on 3rd Starship test flight

a large black and silver rocket stands on a seaside launch pad near sand dunes and. SpaceX’s third Starship megarocket stands stacked on the launch pad at its Starbase site in South Texas.

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BBC News

Here’s where (and how) to have the best 2024 solar eclipse experience

This spectacular visual phenomenon will see the Moon completely covering the Sun, casting a shadow on Earth and plunging areas along the eclipse’s path into temporary darkness. This celestial spectacle is expected to last for around four minutes …

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Scientists take a step closer to resurrecting the woolly mammoth

A biotech company that hopes to resurrect extinct species said Wednesday that it has reached an important milestone: the creation of a long-sought kind of stem cell for the closest living relative of the woolly mammoth. “This is probably the most …

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Fossilized trees dating back 390 million years are world’s oldest

Scientists working in southwest England have found the oldest fossilized forest known on Earth, according to a new study. Dating back 390 million years, the fossils break the record held by a forest in New York state by 4 million years, reads a press …

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Scientific American

JWST Will Finally Hunt for Alien Moons—And Much More

An illustration of a large moon circling a gas-giant planet around a distant star. For the first time ever, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will search for exomoons—natural satellites of planets orbiting other stars. This artist’s concept shows a …

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