Daily News update on – Science

February 29, 2024


What time is the SpaceX Crew-8 astronaut launch for NASA on March 2?

Crew-8 will launch NASA astronauts NASA astronauts Matthew Dominick, Michael Barrett, Jeannette Epps and Russian cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin on a six-month mission to the ISS. The space quartet will relieve their colleagues of SpaceX’s Crew-7 mission.

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The Washington Post

Scientists get closer to solving chemical puzzle of the origin of life

Like making the ingredients of a cake, researchers have successfully created a compound critical for metabolism in all living cells, which is essential for energy production and regulation. The pathway, which has evaded scientists for decades …

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‘Axion stars’ that went boom after the Big Bang could shed light on dark matter

One of the leading suspects for dark matter are called “axions,” light-mass particles first theorized in 1977. New research suggests axions could be found if scientists look for regions in which the particles may …

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The Washington Post

In this Booker nominee, the secret to Earth’s survival may be in space

From the depths of the ocean to the vastness of space, Martin MacInnes’s novel, “In Ascension,” strives for a sense of cosmic awe by grappling with the origins of life and the mysteries of the universe while grounding readers in the grim reality of …

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James Webb Space Telescope reveals how stellar blasts of radiation stunt planet birth

The Orion Nebula is a massive complex of gas and dust that forms the building blocks of new stars. In fact, it’s the nearest star-forming region to Earth. However, this stellar precursor material can also absorb light, acting as a shield for recently born, …

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Australia’s Great Barrier Reef suffers ‘extensive’ coral bleaching, as scientists fear seventh mass bleaching event

Aerial surveys conducted last weekend by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and Australian Institute of Marine Science found bleaching was “extensive and fairly uniform across all surveyed reefs.” The teams …

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A baby star’s planet-forming disk has 3 times more water than all of Earth

Astronomers have discovered that a planet-birthing disk of gas and dust that surrounds an infant star is drenched with enough water to fill Earth’s oceans three times over. Water, a key element needed …

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China names the spacecraft that will put its astronauts on the moon (video)

China’s human spaceflight agency has given names to spacecraft being developed to put astronauts on the moon. Mengzhou is the name for the spacecraft that will take astronauts beyond low Earth orbit, while the lunar lander has been named Lanyue.

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CBS News

NASA delays space station crew rotation flight, makes way for SpaceX Starlink launch

Taking advantage of a weather delay for NASA’s next space station flight, SpaceX fired off another 23 Starlink internet satellites Thursday in a hazy leap day launch from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. It was the California rocket builder’s …

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The New York Times

Odysseus Moon Lander Heads Into a Cold Lunar Slumber

The commercial spacecraft’s builder, Intuitive Machines, released new images from the moon’s surface as the company described plans to try to wake it up in two to three weeks.

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