Daily News update on – Science

February 27, 2024


Dimorphos was likely ‘globally deformed’ by DART impact

Dimorphos is a moonlet asteroid that orbits a larger parent asteroid known as Didymos. Neither pose a threat to Earth, but the double-asteroid system was a perfect target to test deflection technology because Dimorphos’ size is comparable to asteroids that …

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James Webb Space Telescope finds ‘extremely red’ supermassive black hole growing in the early universe

As the universe balloons outward in all directions, light traveling toward us gets “redshifted,” and the redshifted light in this case indicates a cloak of thick gas and dust shrouding the black hole.

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Radar could help scientists find potentially threatening asteroids. Here’s how

Ground-based radar systems could have a unique role to play in planetary defense, helping humanity protect Earth by spotting asteroids and comets on potentially devasting collision courses with our planet. This was the conclusion reached by National …

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Dead ‘cannibal’ star spotted with metal scar after consuming part of a planet

An artist’s impression depicts a dead white dwarf star and its magnetic field, which is usually invisible but shown in loops around the star. The dark area near one of the star’s poles is a metal scar that remained after the star consumed a planetary …

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SpaceX Crew-8 astronauts eager for launch to ISS on March 1: ‘Things surprise you, but we’re ready’

Crew-8 includes NASA astronauts Matthew Dominick (commander), Michael Barratt (pilot), and Jeanette Epps (mission specialist), along with mission specialist Alexander Grebenkin, of the Russian space agency Roscosmos.

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Black hole’s powerful eruption creates a string of stellar jewelry

The massive outburst emitted 100,000 trillion times more energy than the sun will over its entire lifetime. A strange chain of ‘stellar jewelery’ made of star clusters formed around a powerful black hole eruption. (Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/O.

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Computer-simulated moon dust may help lunar robots pass a major hurdle

Scientists have developed a new computer model that simulates how moon dust behaves in lunar gravity. They hope it will help future robotic moon explorers to do their job more safely. A simulation of lunar regolith falling through a funnel.

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Intuitive Machines’ historic moon landing builds momentum for Artemis, astronaut Tracy C. Dyson says (exclusive)

“It means we can do it,” Dyson told Space.com Monday (Feb. 26) in an exclusive interview before she returns to space next month. “We’re going back [to …

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Put on your eclipse glasses and look up to see the biggest sunspot in years before it disappears from view

The AR3590 sunspot region is the largest of the solar cycle and is responsible for the most powerful solar flare seen since 2017. Comments (0). (Left) AR3590 the largest sunspot of the current solar cycle (Right) AR3590.

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The ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is rapidly melting. Scientists now have evidence for when it started and why

Thwaites Glacier in West Antartica in 2019. Robert Larter. CNN —. Scientists have looked back in time to reconstruct the past …

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