Daily News update on – Science

February 1, 2024


Dark energy is forcing the universe to expand. This new observatory may show us how

The Rubin Observatory is set to achieve first light next year. It could finally reveal some secrets about the dark universe. Comments (0). the silhouette of an observatory sits atop a dark hill beneath the milky way stretched across.

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NASA’S Europa Clipper gets science gear to probe ocean moon of Jupiter

Set to reach Jupiter’s frozen moon in 2030, the Europa Clipper can now be tested as a complete spacecraft.

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Millions of stars glow in Webb telescope’s unprecedented spiral galaxies portrait

The James Webb Space Telescope captured images of 19 spiral galaxies in near- and mid-infrared light. NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Janice Lee (STScI), Thomas Williams ( …

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Meteorites from Asteroid 2024 Bx1, which just hit Earth, may be super-rare space rocks

Meteorite hunters have successfully recovered fragments of an asteroid that impacted Earth over Berlin, Germany, on Sunday (Jan. 21) — and the space rocks could be very rare indeed. The 3.3 …

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NASA to ‘wiggle’ broken Ingenuity Mars helicopter’s blades to analyze damage

During the livestream, mission managers revealed that all four of Ingenuity’s blades were damaged during a rough landing on the Red Planet surface. Teddy Tzanetos, Ingenuity Project Manager, said that …

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The Washington Post

A student was inspecting dinosaur fossils. He discovered a new species.

Last week, Atkins-Weltman, who’s now a PhD student at Oklahoma State University, revealed the discovery of Eoneophron infernalis, a birdlike species that was similar but smaller than the Anzu.

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CBS News

Northrop Grumman cargo ship delivers 4 tons of supplies and equipment to space station

A Northrop Grumman Cygnus cargo ship caught up with the International Space Station early Thursday, bringing more than four tons of equipment and supplies to the outpost, including ice cream and other treats for the lab’s seven-member crew.

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The Washington Post

Year’s shortest month touts the ‘snow’ moon and winter’s brightest stars

The shortest month is a little longer this year, thanks to rules that date back to the time of Julius Caesar. It’s also when we have our best views of winter’s brightest stars and when we ask a large rodent when spring will come.

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NASA names astronauts for SpaceX’s Crew-9 mission to the ISS

The Crew-9 quartet consists of cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov of the Russian space agency Roscosmos and three NASA astronauts: Zena Cardman, Nick Hague and Stephanie Wilson, NASA revealed in an announcement on Wednesday afternoon (Jan. 31).

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CBS News

Discovery of bones and tools in German cave could rewrite history of humans and Neanderthals: “Huge surprise”

When the two co-existed in Europe, there was a “replacement phenomenon” between the Middle Paleolithic and the Upper Paleolithic periods, French paleoanthropologist Jean-Jacques Hublin, who led the new research, told AFP.

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