Daily News update on – Science

May 26, 2024


The future is bright for astronomy, and very expensive

The next generation of extremely large telescopes will have 100 times the light-gathering power and 10 times the image quality of the Hubble Space Telescope. However, they’re running into serious funding problems. There are two American-led projects with …

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Starmus 2024: Scientists and musicians unite in Bratislava to celebrate planet Earth

Starmus is an ambitious festival where science and art come together to share in the wonders of our universe. I loved every minute of it. Comments (0). Starmus festival opening concert, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2024. a huge stage with lots of fireworks …

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Astronomy Magazine

Euclid’s new portraits of the dark universe are filled with detail, and wonder

Some. This image of the Abell 2390 galaxy cluster shows more than 50,000 galaxies, which astronomers are using to reveal clues about dark matter through gravitational lensing. Credit: ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA …

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First proof that ‘plunging regions’ exist around black holes in space

An international team led by researchers at Oxford University Physics have proved Einstein was correct about a key prediction concerning black holes. Using X-ray data to test Einstein’s theory of gravity, their study gives the first observational proof …

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NASA detects Earth-size planet just 40 light-years away that’s ‘not a bad place’ to hunt for life

The exoplanet Gliese 12 b is tantalizingly close and moderately warm, situated just 40 light-years away around a red dwarf star. The potentially habitable planet could be a good place to search for alien life, scientists say.

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WISN Milwaukee

Not a UFO! It’s the ISS over Wisconsin — How and when to see it

It will appear as a fast-moving star gliding across the sky from west to east and will be visible without the need for telescopes or binoculars. The space station will be almost as luminous as Venus …

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Everybody’s getting hyped for the ‘planet parade,’ but it might not be what you think

Headlines this month have promised a rare “planet parade” in which six planets (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) will align in the night sky on June 3. While there is some truth to the claim, this is not an event that astronomers would …

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ABC News

‘Echidnapus’ fossil of potential echidna and platypus ancestor may point to Australian ‘age of monotremes’

In short: Palaeontologists have named three new monotreme species, including an “echidnapus”, which shares platypus and echidna characteristics. The fossils are around 100 million years old, but there are questions over whether they represent the …

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Spaceflight Now

Live coverage: SpaceX to launch 23 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 flight from Cape Canaveral

The Starlink 6-60 mission will add another 23 spacecraft to the company’s growing mega-constellation of internet relay satellites, serving more than three million customers. The Falcon 9 rocket is set to liftoff from …

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EarthCARE Satellite To Probe How Clouds Affect Climate

Clouds — from cumulus and cirrus to cumulonimbus — are a varied and complicated phenomenon. Their composition depends on where they are located in the troposphere, Earth’s lowest layer of atmosphere, Gillieron explained. The …

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