Daily News update on – Science

July 8, 2024


Europe’s new Ariane 6 rocket launching for 1st time ever this week

Europe’s new heavy-lift Ariane 6 rocket is set to make its long-delayed debut on Tuesday (July 9). If all goes according to plan, the Ariane 6 will launch from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, on Tuesday during a four-hour window that opens …

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Spaceflight Now

European Space Agency makes final preparations for inaugural Ariane 6 launch

The Ariane 6 rocket stands at the launch pad at the Europe Spaceport in French Guiana following the removal of the mobile launch gantry. Image: M. Pédoussaut/ESA. To quote the title track of Swedish rock band Europe’s third album, “It’s the final …

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Study shows weaker ocean circulation could enhance CO₂ buildup in the atmosphere

As climate change advances, the ocean’s overturning circulation is predicted to weaken substantially. With such a slowdown, scientists estimate the ocean will pull down less carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, a slower circulation should also …

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Chinese scientists identify super moss able to ‘survive’ in Mars

BEIJING, July 8 (Reuters) – Scientists have identified a super resilient desert moss species in China’s western region of Xinjiang that could help sustain possible colonies on Mars, a study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences showed.

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InSight reveals high meteoroid impact rate on Mars

Scientists have calculated the rate of meteoroid impacts on Mars using seismic measurements NASA’s retired InSight lander took during its mission. Two companion studies published on June 28, independently estimate substantially higher rates than were …

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Lunar event coming: You can see the moon pass in front of this bright star

July continues to be impressive in the astronomy realm as yet another must-see event will occur, this time around the middle of the month. According to NASA, a few hours after sunset on the evening of July 13, the moon will pass in front of Spica, …

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Jumping on an asteroid: How VR is being used to visit worlds we can never reach

The VR experience I was in forms part of the 2024 Astronomical Society of Australia’s Annual Scientific Meeting, where the country’s astronomers come together to present new research, share results and mingle. This year’s meeting, in …

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Volunteers who lived in a NASA-created Mars replica for over a year have emerged

The members of the Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog mission — or CHAPEA — walked through the door of their habitat at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on Saturday to a round of applause.

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Brain size riddle solved as humans exceed evolution trend

The largest animals do not have proportionally bigger brains – with humans bucking this trend – a new study published in Nature Ecology and Evolution has revealed. Researchers at the University of Reading and Durham University collected an enormous …

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Ars Technica

Alaska’s top-heavy glaciers are approaching an irreversible tipping point

As the plateau of the icefield thins, ice and snow reserves at higher altitudes are lost. … Taku Glacier is one of many that begin in the Juneau Icefield. … The melting of one of North America’s largest ice fields has accelerated and could soon reach an …

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