Daily News update on – Science

August 3, 2024


Watch SpaceX launch private Cygnus cargo craft to ISS today

a large cargo craft with two large solar panels on either side is in the foreground. Northrop Grumman’s robotic NG-20 Cygnus freighter undocks from the ISS on July 12, 2024.

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The Planetary Society

NASA discovers Mars rock with ancient potential for life

On July 21, NASA’s Perseverance rover spotted a strange rock partially buried in a dry riverbed. White streaks hinted water once flowed through the stone, and Perseverance detected organic molecules — the building blocks of life — within.

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These 17th-century drawings of the sun by Kepler add fire to solar cycle mystery

“Half-forgotten” sunspot drawings by Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler are showing us more about how the sun’s cycle of activities work. Kepler (1571-1630), who was born in what we now call Germany, is best known in astronomy for formulating the …

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Meet ‘small diver’: One of the tiniest penguins ever discovered

A tiny extinct penguin from New Zealand is key to understanding penguin wing evolution, researchers say. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. An artist reconstruction of Pakudyptes, …

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Oregon’s best meteor shower peaks soon. Here’s how to catch the show

Conditions are favorable for this year’s Perseid meteor shower, widely considered to be one of the best annual meteor showers on the calendar, but skywatchers will want to keep an eye on multiple forecasts to see if they can catch its peak the night of …

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Science News

Tycho Brahe dabbled in alchemy. Broken glassware is revealing his recipes

Artifacts from the ruins of a medieval laboratory are spilling a famous scientist’s secrets. A chemical analysis of broken glassware belonging to 16th century Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe revealed elevated levels of nine metals, researchers report …

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When to see the Perseid meteor shower and how to get the best view

Mark your calendars as one of the most anticipated celestial events of the year is a few days from now. Here’s a guide on how and where you can watch the 2024 meteor shower. When will the Perseid meteor shower reach its peak?

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Does This Mars Rock Show a “Potential Biosignature”? Or Just “Wet Chemistry”?

“Leopard spots” on a Mars rock could come from life — or they could simply be a sign of a type of chemical reaction that requires water. Bright Angel region on Mars This 360-degree panorama shows a region on Mars called “Bright Angel,” where an ancient …

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The Quantum Insider

Researchers Explore Quantum Entanglement’s Potential Role in Neural Synchronization

Insider Brief. Most scientists believe the brain is too wet, warm and noisy for the delicate operations of quantum mechanics to play a role in cognition or consciousness. A Chinese research team is exploring how quantum entanglement could impact neural …

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Aviation Week

Northrop Grumman ISS Cargo Launch Faces Weather Challenge

With the predicted approach of a tropical storm toward the west coast of Florida this weekend, NASA and SpaceX could be challenged to launch the 21st Northrop Grumman Cygnus resupply mission to the International Space Station (ISS).

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