Daily News update on – Science

June 26, 2024


Why is mystery object Cygnus X-3 so bright? Astronomers may now have the answer

A binary system containing a massive star and what is probably a black hole, and which together are a source of intense X-rays, has been shown to be a smaller-scale example of some of the most luminous quasars in the universe.

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Satellite megaconstellations threaten ozone layer recovery, study confirms

Within the next 30 years, concentrations of ozone-damaging aluminum oxides in the atmosphere could increase by 650%. Comments (0). A black screen with stars has lots of white striations over it. An astronomical image marred by trails caused by …

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What happened to China’s Chang’e 6 lander on the moon’s far side?

China’s Chang’e 6 mission has successfully delivered to Earth the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon. But what became of the lander that collected the lunar material? Chang’e 6 launched on May 3. The mission consisted of four spacecraft …

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NASA dips into futuristic AR tech to build powerful Roman Space Telescope

Armed with virtual headsets and precision measurements, engineers can perform dry runs before strenuous assembly. Comments (0). A person in a dark red shirt and jeans stands in the background behind a web. Engineers wearing augmented reality headsets …

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Watch GOES-U weather satellite float above a brightly shining Earth in stunning video from space

The launch marked the 10th launch of Falcon Heavy, and lofted the fourth and final member of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) GOES-R series of weather spacecraft. Four and a …

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ULA changes payloads for second Vulcan launch

WASHINGTON — United Launch Alliance will fly an inert payload and instrumentation on its second Vulcan Centaur mission after concluding that Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser would not be ready in time for a launch this fall. At a June 26 media briefing, …

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BBC News

Why are the Boeing Starliner astronauts still in space?

The vessel’s return to Earth had already been delayed due to issues with some of its thrusters and leaks of the helium gas which pushes fuel into the propulsion system. Nasa is carrying out a high-level …

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A new horizon for the Kuiper Belt: Subaru telescope’s wide-field observations

“Looking outside of the solar system, a typical planetary disk extends about 100 au from the host star (100 times the distance between the Earth and the sun), and the Kuiper Belt, which is estimated to extend about 50 au, is very compact.

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The New York Times

If You Give a Frog a Sauna, It Might Fight Off a Deadly Fungus

A simple pile of sun-warmed bricks, the researchers found, attracts the green and golden bell frog, a vulnerable Australian species. These thermal shelters boost the frogs’ body temperatures, helping them beat back fungal infections and, perhaps, setting …

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Powerhouse hurricane watchdog satellite launches aboard SpaceX Falcon Heavy

The last of a series of hurricane-hunting satellites got its most powerful ride ever to space June 25 aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy. The rocket that is essentially three Falcon 9’s strapped together blasted off from Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Pad …

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